Frequently Asked Questions about the ETPL

Q. Where can I access the training providers list?

A. You may search the  New York State Eligible Training Provider list for training providers or course offerings

Q. Can anyone provide training services?

A. No, In order to provide training services under WIOA Title I, a provider must meet the requirements of WIA section 122.

Q. My business is not located in Dutchess County; may I be on your list?

A. Yes, but not until your business is listed as an eligible training provider on your local workforce investment board’s list.

Q. How many trainees will I receive?

A. This is a two part answer.  First, inclusion on the ETPL, in itself, does not guarantee that WIOA funds are available for enrollment in an eligible offering.  The availability of WIOA funding for enrollment is based on many factors including assessment of an individual’s employment needs.  Second, customers eligible for training select the training provider that fits their needs.  It is a mandated customer choice system that allows the customer to select their training provider.

Q. Where can I get a W-9 form?

A. The official IRS site.

Q. Why do I have to provide my business’ credentials?

A. The DCWIB wants to ensure that all training providers are in compliance with Local, New York State and/or Federal regulations.

Q. What is the “Method the agency will use for documenting student attendance and grades?”

A. This is the method in which Dutchess One Stop customers will be tracked and evaluated during the course of the program by your organization.  This should be submitted on company letterhead with all pertinent document samples attached (i.e. attendance or sign in sheets).

Q. What is the “Method the agency will use to measure performance standards?”

A. This is the method in which your business will track all of the required performance standards of each program.  If your business does not currently report annually to any government organization, staff at the DCWIB can provide technical assistance in developing this tracking mechanism if necessary.  If you do submit annual reports to a government organization that include the measurement of the required performance standards a copy of that report is acceptable.

Q. Can I get onto the Dutchess County Training Provider list if I do not sign the agreement?

A. No.

Q. Why do I have to report on each program listed on the site?

A. Customer success in each program will determine whether or not the program can remain on the list of available offerings.  Additionally, the data provides customers with valuable information when selecting a training provider.

Q. I cannot control the success rates; can I opt out of this item?

A. No.  Dutchess One Stop and the DCWIB are held accountable to the same performance standards and require the same of training providers.   Providers who do not report on the performance standards agree to abide by the results of the data provided by the One Stop Operator as determined by the DCWIB.  Circumstances that leave the DCWIB without any data may lead to a probationary period or complete removal from the ETPL for a minimum of a twelve-month period.

Q. Do I have to deal with the ramifications of students not meeting the standards?

A. Dutchess One Stop and the DCWIB are required to report to New York State Department of Labor on the successes and failures.  Funding for the local workforce area is based on these numbers and therefore all agencies, businesses and organizations receiving WIA funding are held to the same standards.

Q. How long does initial eligibility last?

A. Initial eligibility will last for a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 18 months from the date of program registration at which time the DCWIB will review the performance records of each program.

Q. How often do I have to submit reports to DCWIB?

A. After being granted initial eligibility performance reports will be submitted annually but tuition information, applicable fees, authorizing signatures and other pertinent information should be updated immediately as the change occurs.

Q. How much time will my business have to submit the annual report?

A. 60 days after receipt of notification.

Q. Will the data that I submit be compared to any other data?

A. Yes, Dutchess One Stop is also required to submit performance data to the DCWIB and both sets will be analyzed for consistency and subsequent eligibility.

Q. Can I add previously unlisted programs to the site?

A. Providers that create a new program or want to add an existing program to the ETPL after they have been determined initially eligible will have to submit the appropriate information for each program being added.  Those new programs will begin at the initial eligibility stage even if the provider is operating under subsequent eligibility terms.

Q. Under what circumstances may I file an appeal to the DCWIB?

A. In a case where a Training Provider is refused initial or subsequent eligibility or put on probation an appeal may be filed following the appropriate procedure.  Appeals must be submitted within forty-five days of being notified of a denial or termination to the DCWIB, 3 Neptune Road, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601.

Q. If my programs are rendered ineligible for subsequent eligibility can I appeal the decision?

A. Yes, The appeal must be submitted in writing and signed by an authorized individual from the training provider.  Appeals must be submitted within forty-five days of being notified of a denial or termination to the DCWIB, 3 Neptune Road, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601.

Q. Are there repercussions for not complying with the expectations after I sign the agreement?

A. In the event that a Training Provider is not performing in accordance with the expectations outlined in this policy or does not identify and implement a corrective action plan the DCWIB reserves the right to take appropriate action.

Q. Are all training providers expected to report on the performance standards for each program?

A. Yes.  All programs will be reviewed and held to performance standards, however, where enrollments do not provide a statistically valid population, DCWIB may, in its discretion, defer a decision until appropriate numbers of participants have finished the program.