Responsibilities of the Workforce Development Board

Under WIOA the minimum required composition of local area boards includes at least 51% business representatives, at least 20% Workforce representatives, and at least one representative each from Adult Ed, Voc Rehab, Higher Ed, Wagner-Peyser, and Economic Development. Representatives of other partners and stakeholders may be appointed as you see fit as long as the required representation of each category is maintained.

Workforce representatives include members of labor organizations, training directors of joint labor/management apprenticeship programs, and representatives of community based organizations that have expertise in serving eligible youth or individuals with barriers to employment.

The Local Workforce Development Board Functions:

  1. In partnership with the County Executive, develop a comprehensive local plan, and a regional plan as part of the Hudson Valley, to implement WIOA. 
  2. Conduct workforce research and regional labor market analysis.
  3. Convene, broker, and leverage.
  4. Local workforce development system stakeholders to assist in development of local plan and in identifying non-Federal expertise and resources to leverage support for workforce development activities.
  5. Lead efforts to engage with a diverse range of employers and entities in the region to promote business representation; to
    1. Develop effective linkages with employers to support utilization of the workforce system;
    2. Ensure that workforce investment activities meet the needs of employers and support economic growth in the region and expand career advancement opportunities for system participants;
    3. Implement proven or promising strategies for meeting the employment and skill needs of workers and employers.
  6. Develop and implement career pathways by aligning the employment, training, education, and supportive services that are needed by adults and youth, particularly those with barriers to employment.
  7. Lead efforts to identify and promote proven and promising practices and initiatives for meeting the needs of employers and workers and job seekers.
  8. Develop strategies for using technology to maximize the accessibility and effectiveness of the local WDS for employers, workers and job seekers.
  9. Conduct oversight of youth activities, employment and training activities, one stop delivery system, and ensure appropriate use and management of the funds received by the local area.
  10. Select operators and providers.
  11. Coordinate with education providers and review applications to provide adult education and literacy activities are in line with the local plan.
  12. Develop a budget (with the grant recipient) for the activities in the local area, consistent with the local plan and duties of the local board.
  13. Accessibility for individuals with disabilities both programmatic accessibility as well as physical accessibility in compliance with ADA regulations.